How-To Record &Upload:

Step One: Download the PDF & Guide Track
You can use the file that contains just the lyrics or if you prefer to use the sheet music​.

Also, download the "Listening Guide Track" and listen a few times to get comfortable with the song. You will also listen to the "Guide Track" when recording through headphones so it will be playing in your recorded video.

When each link opens there is a download icon (downward arrow)

in the upper left of the screen. Click to download each file to your

laptop or preferred device

Step Two: Record yourself singing (or get someone to record):
You will need 2 devices:

  • Device #1 will play the guide track through your headphones so it doesn't get recorded in your video & creates an echo.
  • Device #2 will record/film.

Feel free to record yourself OR get your spouse to join you OR get the whole family in the video.

The more, the merrier! 


  • Listen to the "Listening Guide Track" a few times to get comfortable with the song. You may want to do a practice run (or two) before you record.
  • Allow the guide track to aid lead you in your musical expressions!
  • Use the headphones for device #1 (guide track playback) when you record. 
  • Record in a quiet place with no dogs barking, no AC on, no dishwasher running, etc.
  • Please record yourself through the whole song.
  • Mobile devices (phones and tablets) have better internal mics for recording rather than computers

Step Three: Send In Your Video
There are 3 options for submitting your video:

  • Text the video to David Smith (919) 265-8750
  • E-mail the video to David Smith
  • Upload your video

All videos are due by Sunday, Oct. 18th. 

Okay, now let's sing!

PS - If you want to record but aren't sure how to do this don't worry. Please contact David Smith, we have someone that will come to you and help record OR you can set up a time to meet Alan Daubenspeck at church to record yourself.

SoPines UMC Music Ministry has many unique Adult Ensemble groups. They provide music for not only worship but special services during Holy Week and Advent, and the Christmas Cantata. Many of these singers are also chancel choir members. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings for Handbells, Chancel Choir, and the Praise Band.

You've seen all of their virtual videos during worship and if you haven't click to check out their videos on the new SoPines UMC Music Ministry YouTube channel!

Now we want to do a video that includes everyone in the church singing "Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone." This song is an excellent blend of both traditional and contemporary Christian music. Whether you are a shower-singer, a bell ringer, an opera star, or anywhere in between, we'd love for you to lend your voice!

Ways to #WorshipWithUs:

9AM Contemporary & 11 AM Traditional services

Click to #WatchUsLive (live stream)

Music Ministry Ensembles

Southern Pines United Methodist Church
PHONE:  910-692-3518
FAX:        910-692-5875