Email Rachel Rosellini to learn more about the pageant for your kids or for your and how to volunteer!

SoPines UMC Children Ministry & Music Calendar

Click to learn more for children & youth @SoPinesUMC!

The children's ministry at SoPinesUMC serves kids from birth through 5th grade.  We believe that each child is a unique individual loved by God.  Whether boy or girl, short or tall, energetic or calm we are committed to teaching them of God's love of this world and of them, through his son Jesus Christ.

Our hope is that they not only grow to become good people but that each one matures into adult disciples of Jesus.  For now, we want them to be who God has created them to be for this time, children.  Children who are loved by God, by you, and by us here at SoPines UMC.

Children's Ministry