SoPines UMC Children Ministry & Music Calendar

​Kids Own Worship (KOW)

At SoPines UMC, we recognize that children 3-7 years of age are just learning about worship.  To bridge the gap from nursery to family worship, we offer "Kids' Own Worship" every Sunday during both worship services. Following the Children's Message in the 9AM Contemporary Worship service, the children are invited to KOW.  We have intentionally structured this time as an actual worship service for children.  During KOW, children experience and learn liturgy designed for them.  They will learn songs and liturgy, similar to our worship services.

We are excited to announce that this time is also being used for our Children's Christmas Pageant and parents can learn more by emailing the Children's Minister Rachel Rosellini.

Sunday School

Sunday school for children is an essential time of learning and socialization.  At SoPines UMC, we believe that Sunday school should be a fun and safe place to learn about God's love for each child and all of the world.  The curriculum and environment must be appropriate for success.  Add to that dedicated teachers who care about sharing the love of God with children and Sunday school becomes a great time of spiritual formation and growth.  For children under three years of age, the nursery is available.  Sunday school classes are available for all children over three years old.  There are two children's Sunday school classes offered: 3yrs - K & 1st - 5th Grade.

Sunday's For Children

Southern Pines United Methodist Church 


PHONE:  910-692-3518

FAX:        910-692-5875


Ways to #WorshipWithUs:

9AM Contemporary/Stream & 11 AM Traditional/Stream

Click to #WatchUsLive (website)